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Are you looking for an effective and fast-active formula that can help you build muscle and gain physical strength within a short space of time?" We've designed an essential and effective multi-vitamin and natural supplement that's fast-absorbing, high-density, rich, and will deliver a potent mix of both protein and minerals. It can quickly fill the energy needs of your physique. It's the most effective and efficient way to take care of your health, and with a little work you can have the leanest physique you've ever seen. It works with all types of food, whether you're eating it right away or in the morning before your training session. It is also excellent for beginners and those wanting to take things slowly, because the only fat loss you'll experience will be your lean body mass. The best way to use it is to take a 3-day multi-vitamin every other day. How it Works The multivitamin works by taking in the essential amino acids, amino acids that the body uses to make proteins, and then turning them into glucose, a molecule that fuels cells. This energy-producing action happens when our body converts proteins into a type of carbohydrate known as glycogen. As glycogen stores are used for energy, the body burns calories as needed. Aging and Muscle Mass Aging is the inevitable result of a deficiency in muscle proteins. The body's ability to produce and store carbohydrates is limited, and it relies on what kind of carbohydrates it can get from foods. When glycogen is used as fuel, muscle cells use glucose as their only source of energy. By eating foods that are high in the kind of energy-producing glycogen, our bodies can produce more than enough calories. We get all the protein we need with the help of a balanced diet that includes lots of high quality protein from beef and pork and eggs. When we eat more than that, we lose muscle mass, and that's an underlying reason muscle loss occurs in older people. As Muscle Loss Begins As muscle loss occurs, it can progress slowly or rapidly. If it starts slowly, it will be more gradual, but eventually it will continue unless you take steps to address it. If it starts quickly, you can get some weight loss for a while, but most people will see little or no change. How it Works The best way to use this protein supplement is to buy a 3-day multivitamin that's 3 days a week and take it 4-6 times per Related Article: